
Just Media Utah Mission

To uplift and advocate for our communities by creating media content that is for us, by us.

Who We Are

Just Media Utah is a growing collective of organizers committed to fight oppression by broadening our understanding of the different expressions of exploitation and engaging in struggles that build popular, sustainable power. Our efforts will be collaborative, inclusive and non-hierarchical. We are consensus driven and will uphold integrity and accountability. We are anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-ableism and anti-patriarchal.

Just Media Utah Model of Community Engagement

We want our communities to take control of their stories by offering support with creating shareable media content. This will be done through 5-10 minute video clips, a podcast that will allow for in depth discussion of issues our community is facing, and a website that will serve as a central hub for all these stories. To collaborate with us, let us know what events you'd like us to film. Media content will be created with your guidance so we capture the full story.

Organize Educate Agitate

To contact us about tips, getting involved, or any questions, send us an email at info@justmediautah.com